The children are grown, you are working less or even fully retired, but you are still living in the house that used to house your children, various animals, and visiting relatives from time to time! Many times this circumstance exists simply because the thought of moving and everything that accompanies that process is overwhelming. It doesn’t need to be. We are fully equipped to assist you with every step of moving from your current home to a smaller one or a retirement community, even if you are considering moving out-of-state.
            Do you need someone to help you get organized so you are able to approach moving in an orderly fashion? Are you in need of assistance in preparing your home to be put on the market? Would it be helpful to have someone explore with you the various housing options you have – retirement communities, apartments, a smaller house, etc.? We can help you with all of these steps in your transition process and more. The following are some frequently asked questions.
If I am thinking about moving, when should I contact you?
            That is a great question. While the exact answer may vary depending on your circumstances, generally it is a good idea to give yourself plenty of time by contacting us at least a year prior to when you want to move.
How much do transition services cost?
            Our initial consultation is provided at no cost and with no obligation, of course. Depending on the level of service you desire, there may be no fees beyond the hard costs related to your move – real estate transaction costs, moving company, and the like.
Can you help me find a moving company and other service provides I may need?
            In a word, yes. This is your move and you are the boss. You can be as hands-on or as removed from the process as you would like to be. It is not uncommon for me us to coordinate multiple contractors in a short period of time to accomplish what needs to be done to prepare the home for the market and you for the move. If you would prefer to sell your home as-is, we can prepare an effective strategy to accommodate that desire.
            That’s another good question, and an easy one to answer. Just give me a call at 215-631-1904 (office direct) or 215-896-8433 (cell phone). If you prefer email, send a message to [email protected]. Remember, the sooner you begin to explore your options and plan your move the less stressful the process will be. We are here to help. Give us a call!
Todd Umbenhauer

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